Points on the Board Bags
Points on the Board Bags
At 2N Cornhole, we believe in making a positive impact – whether it’s helping others, supporting the community, or contributing to the Cornhole world. When you do these good deeds, you’re putting Points. On. The. Board. It’s a lot like karma, it can be good or bad. In this case, it’s all the GOOD. Now that you see the Point, here’s what we’re going to do and what this represents.
Every month 2N Cornhole is going to do a limited edition design to show that representation. It is vital to understand by buying this, you are one of the people that are putting Points on The Board. No matter where it’s at. So go out there and BE THE PERSON.
At the end of the year everyone who has bought one of these limited edition designs, will get their name thrown into a raffle. The WINNER will help create a 2026 ‘Points on the Board’ design.